Change are important because they helps us break the routine to discover new things. Nothing feels as good as a try new thing and be successful. Change allows you to open yourself up to opportunities that you might otherwise have ignored if you had remained stuck in a rut doing the same old thing.
To change our educational system, it is necessary to change our mentality to an innovative one. Try to do new and beneficial things for our students and in this way make the classes more attractive for their enjoyment.
If we transform something that is expensive and not accessibly for everyone in one affordable and easy to access, people get interested and we can change their lives in a better way. Also, if we applied disruptive education we can break with the established to improve the existing. There are many experts who think that change is necessary and urgent because the current system is anachronistic, that is, it is still anchored in the last century and does not respond to the needs of the digital age.
In my school, if things were more accessible for all students, the results would be better than what has been obtained, but many times they are only accessible for GT or high academic performance students and this difficult our expectations.