Leading Organization Change

Every day as educators we look for all possible tools to be able to provide the best to our students. Nowadays traditional methods are often not enough to capture their attention. This is when we ask ourselves the question of why we do it, which I explain below.
Influencer Strategy
In life, many people leave marks on our lives or influence us a lot. An influencer is a person who can achieve great changes and makes others also want to imitate or pursue the same goal. In the influencer model, for a project to be successful, changes must be made in certain areas that will allow us to carry out the desired plan. My innovation plan explains how I want to influence the students in my school and district.

Installing 4DX in Your Organization

Many times we find ourselves in situations where we know we have to do something to generate change, but we don't know where to start. This is where our Innovation Plan comes in, "Teaching STEM using Makerspace in elementary school", but what can we do to start our innovation? This is where the 4 execution disciplines come in, which help us carry out our work plan, without losing sight of our objective along the way.
Self-differentiated leadership and bringing theorganization change process together
By fostering a culture of adaptability within our team, we can cultivate resilience and responsiveness, ensuring the sustainability and relevance of our initiatives in an ever-changing educational environment.