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Power of Growth Mindset

The growth mindset is something we should all adopt in our lives. This helps us work harder for a goal, since we know it can be achieved with effort and dedication. cities

As teachers and people in charge of children's education, we can ensure that students have a growth mindset by urging our students to face the vicissitudes and take them as an opportunity to give their best and strive.

When students adopt a growth mindset, it creates a learning environment full of positivity and good results. This helps students see challenges as opportunities to progress and not as defeats.

Students must have that commitment to learning, this helps them shape their growth. Teachers must support the student and encourage him on his path and expand his growing mind.

The growth mindset can help students develop that desire for learning and will help them throughout their lives and careers as a student and as adults in all areas. By being an instrument for students and assisting them in developing a growth mindset, we can help them become successful people in this new century where everything is at the forefront.


TED. (2013, May 9). Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth [Video]. YouTube.

RSA. (2015, December 15). RSA ANIMATE: How to Help Every Child Fulfil their potential [Video]. YouTube.

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