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Learning Revolution

Education dislocates many people from their natural talents. Robinson explains that many of us who work in schools already know. Reform is no longer useful because that is simply improving a broken model. What we need is not evolution, but a revolution in education. It has to be transformed into something else.

Robinson points out that many of our ideas have been formed, not to meet the circumstances of this century, but to meet the circumstances of previous centuries. He says our mind is still hypnotized by them and we have to disengage ourselves from some of them.

Technology has already transformed other sectors of society, such as retail. Often, this has taken the form of using digital data to learn more about individuals and their preferences, then target them with information, advertisements, and recommendations. In part, personalized learning is a reflection of the push to apply those tools and ideas to education.

Fortunately, technology provides educators and administrators with tools that can tailor the learning experience to the individual, help at-risk students master basic skills, and develop guided pathways that assess students' progress toward success and suggest interventions if challenges arise. in the path. Rather than attempting to apply a one-size-fits-all educational approach, personalized learning offers students an individualized approach that is specific to their knowledge, learning needs, and pre-existing goals. Students learn best when their education is targeted and tailored to them. Although much remains to be done to implement the changes necessary for personalized learning, the vision and evidence to unlock student success propel us forward.

On the other hand, we also have the situation that many people work in environments dominated by the "carrot and stick" motivation: do it well and you will get a reward but do it wrong and you will be punished. However, with this approach, the satisfaction of doing a job well can often be lost in the drive for praise and promotions. There are elements that are necessary for intrinsic motivation. The three elements of intrinsic motivation are: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Autonomy here refers to the human desire to lead a life of one's own. Mastery is the desire to improve something that matters, and purpose is about the desire to serve something greater than man himself. Schools should focus on students drive to be autonomous, self-determined and connected. They can do this by developing environments for students in which they can direct their own lives, learn and do new things in order to contribute to the education and the world.

Blogger, G. (2011, October 21). What we need is not evolution, but a revolution in education by Lisa Nielsen. TechLearningMagazine.

MindTools | Home. (n.d.).

RSA. (2010, April 1). RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us [Video]. YouTube.

TED. (2010, May 24). Bring on the learning revolution! | Sir Ken Robinson [Video]. YouTube.

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