The videos by Carol Dweck, “Developing a Growth Mindset” and Eduardo Briceno "The Power of belief " mindset and success, show us several things that we should discuss when we talk about having a growth mindset. Below we will mention several of the most important ones.
The message of "yet"

Yet may not seem as impactful as other words like efficient and skilled. But the power of yet is far more than you could have ever imagined. Just by adapting it in your life, you can change your outlook and set foot in the growth mindset. The “power of yet” is about having a growth mindset. It is rooted in how you approach failure to say that you can't do something “yet” instead. Many times, we have goals to achieve and for some reason we fail in the attempt, but something that would help us not stop is to say, "I haven't achieved it yet."
Adopting a growth mindset can change the way you learn

Interestingly, as children we'll spend hours and hours learning how to do new things — from learning how to speak, crawl, walk, and go to the bathroom — but as adults, we think that our ability to learn is no longer part of our repertoire.
According to researcher Carol Dweck, the attitude and belief that you can't learn something is part of a mindset, and it's something that we can change. When it comes to our mindset, people fall into one of two predictable patterns: they learn to adopt either a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. The good news? These basic beliefs are learned, and we can change them. A growth mindset believes that challenges and learning are opportunities, and that failure is an opportunity for growth. Rather than seeking out evidence that proves we're not smart, people with a growth mindset focus on process and progress, searching out opportunities to stretch their existing abilities.
A growth mindset can change the acceptance of feedback

Feedback is the key to improving because it identifies what we are doing well and what we need to work on. Taking a positive approach towards feedback is an example of having a growth mindset, as developed by psychologist Carol Dweck. Your mindset influences how you give and receive feedback, and how you use it to improve yourself. If you have a growth mindset, you see feedback as a gift that helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and you seek it out regularly. You use feedback to set goals, plan actions, and monitor your progress.

Encourage students to see their mistakes as important steps in their learning journey. Reinforce the idea that no one has ever learned something valuable without making mistakes along the way.
Cultivating a growth mindset is about teaching children how to learn and use strategies to overcome challenges. Explain the benefits of overcoming obstacles for people who push through comfort zones to meet challenges head on.
Take time to help students reflect on both their successes and failures. Help them discover more about their ability to work through a problem to find a solution. Praise the process followed, effort student and individual development over the result alone. Encourage a sense of curiosity.
Use a variety of instructional strategies tailored to meet the learning needs of all students. For content use video and audio clips, presentations, and other mediums. Have students work individually, in pairs and in small and large groups. Challenge students to demonstrate their understanding of content via tests, projects, and assignments.
As critical role models for students, it's important for teachers to let students see their growth mindset in action. Be honest about something that is difficult for you. Tell your students when you're discouraged and discuss solutions with them. Involving students in this way helps them see the need to work though challenges to make progress.
Review the graphic below and compare and contrast the Fixed Mindset to the Growth Mindset and consider where you are on this scale.
Resources for teaching Growth mindset. (2016). Edutopia.
Stanford Alumni. (2014, October 9). Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck [Video]. YouTube.
TEDx Talks. (2012, November 19). The Power of belief -- mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno | TEDxManhattanBeach [Video]. YouTube.