Publication Outline

How teaching STEM in elementary school can help students in the future
In this work I had the opportunity to make an outline for a formal publication in the future. This outline is of great help since it makes it easier for us to organize ideas on a topic in an order that benefits us when publishing. Below I will present various topics to discuss in this scheme.
I would like to publish my article in Edutopia or We Are Teachers. I choose these editorials because STEM education is a topic that they publish quite a bit.
Edutopia publication guidelines
Send an email to GUESTBLOG at EDUTOPIA (dot) ORG with “Guest Blog: [Proposed Post Title]” in the subject line, and be sure to include the following information:
A few sentences describing your proposed post and a detailed outline (keep in mind that finished blog posts should be around 850–1,000 words)
Links to any multimedia you plan to include
A few words about the intended target audience for your blog (for example, high school math teachers, administrators, etc.)
A roughly 80-word bio with details about your role in education
Three to five links to other pieces (if any) you’ve written, particularly for academic publications
Full disclosure of any commercial interest in any products or services mentioned
Your Twitter handle (if you have one)
Please note: We accept only original submissions. If your post has appeared elsewhere, we will not accept it.
We Are Teachers publication guidelines
1. We Are Teachers welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics pertaining to education and teacher life. We pay writers for all guest posts.
2. ​Before submitting, we recommend reviewing the We Are Teachers blog to understand our style, format, and tone. Most of our blog posts run between 500–700 words, although some are much less, particularly articles written in list format.
3. If you are a practicing teacher blogger, you are also welcome to join our We Are Teachers Contributors group on Facebook, where we post more information about writing for We Are Teachers.
4. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we can only respond to writers whose work we are interested in publishing. Thank you.
What is the connection to your innovation plan or initiative?
My innovation plan covers STEM teaching in elementary school by developing a makerspace area. This will help elementary school students have direct experiences with the program and when it is time to move on to Middle School they will be able to have a clearer vision of the program. These experiences will help them have a passion for the unknown, create and develop skills so necessary in this century.
This article will help understand what benefits students will have by having STEM experiences at an early age.
How can this information help others?
The article will help school administration and the district understand that teaching STEM at an early age can be of great benefit and will help foster desire to belong to the program in Middle School and High School. This will help students develop skills which will be beneficial in their future careers within and outside of STEM.
Lessons learned or hoped to learn?
In this article I hope you can learn more about the knowledge and strategies that can be acquired by implementing what is stated in it. Students will have the freedom to acquire techniques and work on their ideas, solve problems and learn to work as a team.
What digital resources will be included in your article? Briefly describe.
The article will include links to digital resources such as:
Kahoot!- It is an educational gaming platform. Students learn while having fun and challenging their knowledge.
Science Lab- In this application, students learn by participating in different interactive activities and experiments.
Inventioneers- Students can create their own inventions or help others already established.
Khan Academy- In this application, students can find practice exercises for different subjects and videos which allow the student to continue learning both inside and outside of school.
Think of your audience, digital presence, and the message you hope to communicate.
The primary audience we will focus on will be educators, school administrators, and school district officials who are interested in innovating in our schools. The digital presence of the article is of great benefit to us and helps us share on different platforms and social networks and in this way reach more people. The main message of this article is that STEM teaching should be promoted from an early age in order to stimulate the sense of exploration, creation and research in our students, which will benefit them in their future.