Growth Mindset Reflection

Being able to start my ePortfolio has been an enriching experience in my life as a student and on a personal level. This opportunity has helped me learn and become familiar with the digital platform and be able to share my experiences. It also serves to document my work and progress as a student.
In the courses taken, I have had the opportunity to work on topics that I never thought I would touch on. They have been of great benefit to my student and professional life. An example of this is learning to create a growth mindset. This has not been easy since for many years I had had a way of thinking, which thanks to this course I was able to make a change in myself and in this way also put it into practice with my students.
Having a growth mindset helps you learn to overcome the feeling of being unable to achieve something or not feeling enough to overcome adversity. It gives us the opportunity to recognize that we can be able to learn even if obstacles arise and that we should not give up.
If you want to know more about the Growth Mindset Plan visit my page.