In a learning network you connect with several people, and in this way you take advantage of their knowledge and experience to improve learning. Collaboration is key in a day of study or work, it is essential. I have been part of various networks that have enriched my learning experiences and have encouraged me to improve. I want to explain each of them and how they contributed to my learning.

Facebook and Instagram Educational Groups and pages
Facebook & Instagram groups and pages for educators have been great in helping me prepare my classes and make learning attractive for my students.

YouTube has been invaluable in helping me understand extra information from the authors we've been reading

Canva makes designing beautiful creative assets easy for everyone. From social media images, videos and gifs to posters, websites, booklets, multimedia presentations, and heaps more, Canva is an invaluable tool for helping you level up your design skills, even if you're just getting started.

Wix helped me to create my e-Portfolio, on this website I found all the tools I was in need for to design my website.