New Culture of Learning
We can have a better place
When I decided to resume my studies it was a challenge for me. My main training was as a Respiratory Therapy Technician and I had worked in hospitals, but during my childhood and adolescence I was always surrounded by teachers, starting with my mother. That awakened in me a passion for teaching.
I truly believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn everything and have access to all possible resources that help enrich their knowledge as I indicate in my Manifesto. I am motivated to deliver values to children, transmit learning and leave a mark on them. We believe that all students should have access to a positive and stimulating learning environment. The right environment is vital to guide and inspire students to realize their individual potentials. This is why I decided to transform my classroom by incorporating different kinds of activities related to STEM, such as the introduction to new technologies in order to foster creativity and imagination, which I consider fundamental for any learning.

There are many reasons why STEM Education is extremely relevant in the 21st century, we even dare to say, urgent. Scientific thinking and understanding are essential to being able to navigate today's world. We need to practice them in everyday life, since they are components of a functional democratic society. In addition, science is also crucial to, in the future, achieving a workforce adequate for the demands of our time.
After seeking information from several experts on the subject, I can understand how introducing new areas of technology can help students unleash their imaginations.
Thomas (TEDx Talks, 2012) refers to the fact that imagination begins with a very powerful phrase: 'What if?' By integrating new technologies this helps children observe by asking: "What do you see?" Their curiosity is stimulated with questions such as: "What do you want to know?" We extend children's learning by saying, "What do you think will happen?" We support exploration with questions like, “What should we try?” ” We assist youngsters replicate with questions such as: "What did you notice? Parents should be encouraged to pay attention and get involved with what their children are exploring.

According to the National Science Foundation, “In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new, highly technological and information-based society, students need to develop their STEM capabilities to levels far beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.”(Engineering For Kids, 2023).
We can also see that Thomas and Brown (2011) point out that learning should be viewed in terms of an environment—combined with the rich resources provided by the digital information network—where the context in which learning happens, the boundaries that define it, and the students, teachers, and information within it all coexist and shape each other in a mutually reinforcing way. Here, boundaries serve not only as constraints but also, often times, as catalysts for innovation. Encountering boundaries spurs the imagination to become more active in figuring out novel solutions within the constraints of the situation or context (N.d.).
Disadvantages of implementing STEM experiences
The implementation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) experiences in the educational field can present some disadvantages. Some of them are:
Lack of resources: Implementing STEM experiences may require specialized equipment, materials, and technology, which can be expensive and difficult to obtain for some educational institutions.
Lack of training: Teachers may face difficulties in effectively teaching STEM disciplines if they have not received adequate training. This can limit the quality of teaching and student learning.
Lack of time: The implementation of STEM experiences may require more time in the school curriculum, which may generate conflicts with other subjects and extracurricular activities. This can make it difficult to fully integrate it into the curriculum.
Lack of student interest: Some students may not show interest or motivation toward STEM disciplines, which can make it difficult for them to actively participate in experiences and limit their learning.
Lack of equity: The implementation of STEM experiences may not be equitable in terms of access and participation for all students. Some underrepresented groups, such as women and ethnic minorities, may face additional barriers to engaging in these disciplines.

It is important to keep these disadvantages in mind when implementing experiences in STEM and seek strategies to overcome them, such as seeking funding, providing appropriate teacher training, and promoting equity in student participation.
I plan to implement my Innovation Plan by creating a makerspace area in my classroom and creating a rotation system there. Makerspace or STEM projects for kids don't have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, some of the best projects use recycled or reused items like cardboard or soda bottles, which means nothing to buy.
Below I mention several of the things we can do(, 2021)
1- Create a vibrating and moving junkbot using everyday “junk” or items in your recycle bin.
2- Learn the basics of how a DC motor works by creating your own simple motor.
3- Make a Marble Run
4- Rubber Band Helicopter
Sometimes there are situations which are presented to us to learn and grow as professionals and human beings. These situations are necessary to often force us to create positive changes in our visas and have a growth mindset. It is for this reason that I made the decision to begin my studies at ADL.
With this innovative project I hope to help my school, district and especially the students who are close to the change to middle school. These students need a clearer vision of all the advantages that joining the STEM program can bring them when they begin middle school. With this initiative I hope to be able to motivate and reach more classmates so that together we can not only create a Makerspace area for STEM at school, but we can also create a complete school community interested in integrating this part into their classes or classrooms from an early age.
Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. Torrance, CA: Constructing modern knowledge press.
Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 9). Creating significant learning environments (CSLE) [Video]. YouTube, from
Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change.
Why is STEM education so important? (2016, February 28). Engineering For Kids.
Everyone’s a teacher, everyone’s a learner. (n.d.). Georgecouros.Ca. Retrieved November 10, 2023, from
(N.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2023, from (2021, October 31). 25 Makerspace Projects For Kids.